Even without realizing, most people end up making face-washing mistakes that can adversely affect the health of their skin. Here are some of them. Make sure you avoid these in the future. Using Hot water can strip your skin off of its natural oil and leave it feeling dry and dehydrated. Instead, just use lukewarm water to wash your face and keep damage at bay. We all have different skin types and it is highly important to use skin care products such as a facial wash, cleanser and scrub that suits the skin type. A lot of people make the mistake of being too rigorous while applying the cleanser, instead be gentle to make sure that your skin does not get harmed. The ideal number of times one should wash their face in a day is two. In the morning and once before hitting the bed. Using the same product for too long can lead to certain side effects and end up doing more harm than good. Change your face wash every 2-3 months .